Yes the Lord is with me.
I know He cares, I know He's here.

He hears my groans and moanings.
He answers prayers; my God is here.

My God in Heaven loves me,
I know He does; I do, I do.

Jehovah-God is with me;
I will not fear. My God is here

He sent His Son to save me.
Jesus, He came; died for me and you.

Father God will not forsake me.
He is my rock; my sword, my shield.

The Holy Spirit keeps me.
I know it's true; I do, I do.

Yes the Lord is with me.
I know He cares. God's everywhere.

Note added and audio versions added 01/22/2019. 

Version 1 (Father)

Version 2 (Daughter)

Peace & Blessings.

Keep walking towards the Cross. ​DON'T GIVE UP! 
Until the next time, remember Jesus loves you

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