“Go get it,” my voice commanded every time I threw the yellow “tuff ball.” And in immediate response to the round rubber toy propelling through the outdoor space, my four-legged canine darted off to do just that. With her head looking up in great expectation of getting that object, she fervently watched - as she sprinted - to see in what direction it was headed. Oftentimes, and in an attempt to catch it before it even got to where it was going, the female dog would leap up into the air to grab it before it reached its destination. And at the end of each throwing event, and once she secured the ball in her mouth, she would always bring it back in obedience even though she refused to let it go.

“I worked too hard for this,” I felt her saying as she panted and chewed on the ball as if it was a piece of filet mignon or a gourmet beef bone. “Oh no,” you’re not getting this, she expressed with her eyes, as I tried to take the ball from out of her mouth so that I could throw it again. She would grip the rubber toy firmly with her teeth blocking any attempts made to remove it from her mouth. That was her prize and she did not want to release it in the same way salvation is mine and I refuse to let my testimony go. (Pray this with me).  Merciful God, help me stay committed to chewing on Your Word. Reading it daily as well as constantly praying. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Until the next time, remember Jesus loves you!

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (KJV)

Peace & Blessings,



Keep walking towards the Cross. ​DON'T GIVE UP! 
Until the next time, remember Jesus loves you

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