Somebody’s Gotta Say It! Confronting Division Over Abortion With Grace and Truth ©


In today’s polarized world, few topics ignite division among Christians like the issue of abortion. When a Christian brother or sister accuses another believer of condoning the killing of babies simply because he or she is politically “pro-choice” or voted for a “pro-choice” candidate, the impact is both hurtful and profoundly sad. Such accusations often perpetuate a vile lie that serves only to fracture relationships within the Body of Christ and hinder the Kingdom of God.

Accusations like these assume that a believer’s political alignment is equivalent to their spiritual standing. They reduce the complex issue of abortion to a litmus test of faith, ignoring the broader biblical call to love, unity, and grace. In doing so, they fail to reflect the heart of Jesus, who consistently called for understanding and reconciliation rather than division.

The Public Square: A Misplaced Battleground

The issue of abortion, many argue, does not belong in the public square. Why? Because its politicization has turned it into a weapon wielded for power and control, rather than an opportunity for compassionate dialogue and meaningful action. The reality is that abortion is deeply personal, nuanced, and often fraught with difficult circumstances that cannot be fully understood from a distance or in the context of political rhetoric.

When abortion becomes a political tool, it often serves an unbiblical and self-serving agenda. Political entities on both sides exploit the issue to galvanize their base, fundraising and gaining votes without offering real solutions or addressing the root causes that lead to unplanned pregnancies. Instead of offering support for women, children, and families, the debate often devolves into shouting matches and public shaming—a far cry from the loving and redemptive approach modeled by Jesus.

A Biblical Perspective on Grace and Free Will

As Christians, we must remember that the Bible emphasizes principles like love, grace, and mercy. God has granted humanity free will, allowing individuals to make moral choices and be accountable to Him. In Deuteronomy 30:19, God sets before humanity “life and death, blessings and curses,” and invites us to “choose life.” This call to choose is deeply personal and rooted in an individual’s relationship with God.

To that end, we must ask ourselves: Is it our role to judge the political choices of our brothers and sisters in Christ? Or is our role to walk alongside them, offering support, compassion, and understanding as they navigate complex moral and political landscapes? Jesus’ example—as seen in His interactions with the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11)—reminds us that judgment belongs to God alone. Our call is to love one another, not to tear each other down with accusations.

Moving Forward: A Christlike Approach to Abortion

Instead of weaponizing the issue of abortion to create division, Christians are called to engage in meaningful, Christ-centered action. This includes:

  1. Supporting Women and Families: Providing practical resources and emotional support to women facing unplanned pregnancies can reduce the demand for abortion far more effectively than political rhetoric.
  2. Listening Without Judging: Creating spaces for open and honest dialogue allows for greater understanding of the complexities surrounding abortion.
  3. Advocating for Holistic Solutions: Addressing systemic issues like poverty, lack of healthcare, and inadequate access to education can create environments where life is valued and protected.
  4. Focusing on Unity in Christ: Recognizing that Christians may differ politically while still sharing a common faith in Jesus can foster unity rather than division.

Conclusion: A Higher Calling

When we accuse one another of condoning evil based solely on political choices, we diminish the witness of the Church. The issue of abortion is too important and too complex to be reduced to a political talking point. As followers of Christ, our higher calling is to demonstrate His love, grace, and mercy—both to those within the Church and to those outside it. Let us move forward in humility, seeking to build bridges rather than walls, and to advance the Kingdom of God with unity and compassion.

(Also see Blog entitled: Choose Life at

Peace & Blessings.

Keep walking towards the Cross. ​DON'T GIVE UP! 
Until the next time, remember Jesus loves you

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